We stopped just before we left the state and I took a picture of a nice park that looked like there weren't any aligators lurking! It really felt like "home" - a non-threatening park. In S.W. FL there is always the threat of aligators or wild boars or monitor lizards, etc. so a nice park with just trees was a treat!
We're in Lafayette, LA tonight with the weather in 60s. We had some rain during our drive with the temps in the 70s, just lovely driving temps today. We didn't stop at the Pensacola Beaches because of the rain but did see the huge interchange leading to the beaches. Huuummm...navigating that will be a challenge. We should be able to do it with all of the navigation equipment/supplies we have with us. I've been testing out my new GPS, Bob is using his favorite AAA Trip Tik and we tossed in the maps AAA gave us and an Atlas (I need the bigger picture).
The MSN that the Garmin GPS uses would have made us take a couple of very wrong turns if we hadn't used our heads and not listened to "her". I put in "Bedford, TX" while we were still in Alabama - that may be a bit of a stretch - maybe directions should be for more local addresses 0r shorter distances. We'll see but at least I'm getting pretty good at using it - even got us to the right motel tonight without clearing out the original destination. Maybe I'll learn how to tell it to stay on major roads to get me to major cities?
One more day of driving and then the partying begins. Here are a couple of pics you might enjoy. Madlyn

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