· #6048 Wilson, Philip Dr. and William A. Cochrane: FRACTURES AND DISCLOCATIONS Immediate Management, after Care, and Convalescent Treatment with Special Reference to the Conservation and Restoration of Function. . J. B. Lippincott, Phildelphia. 1925 1st Edition 2nd Printing, Hardcover Size: 8vo 8" - 9" tall 978 illustrations; xRays, photos& drawings. Minor wear to red covers 789 pgs. Book: G/ DJ: NONE $14.50 Medical Text Medical
· #6343 DIRECTORY OF HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS 1925 American Institute of Homeopathy, Chicagao Ill. 1925 4th Edition 1st Printing, Hardcover Size: Square 4to 9" - 11" tall Includes ads at end of directory including on the back paste down. Names and addresses. Advertising. 310 pgs. Book: VG/ DJ: NONE $35.00 Medical Homeopathy Directory
· #6016 O'Connor, J. J.: DOLLARS VETERINARY SURGERY General, Operative & Regional. Alexander Eger, Chicagao Ill. 1941 3rd Edition 1st Printing, Illus Type: Drawings Hardcover Size: Small 4to - 9" to 11" A very good test from the '40s to compare 990 pgs. Book: VG/ DJ: NONE $16.50 Animal Husbandry Animals Medical Veterinary Text Horses Dogs Anesthesia
· #6367 Behrens, Charles F: ATOMIC MEDICINE Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD. 1953 2nd Edition 1st Printing, Hardcover Size: 8vo 8" - 9" tall The editory (Rear Admiral Charles Behrens) , was director, Atomic Defense Division, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. He has tried to bring together various topics which overlap into one book to provide an up-to-date (1953) body of knowledge on the topic of Atomic Medicine, including a new chapter on administration and dosimetry of radioisotopes not available for the first edition on the book in 1949. Edges bumped. Red cloth covers. 626 pgs. Book: VG/ DJ: NONE $24.00 Medical Atomic Medicine Radiology Biology Science Textbook Technical
· #6368 Rubin, Leonard R. (Ed. ) : REANIMATION OF THE PARALYZED FACE New Approaches. C. V. Mosby Co. , St. Louis, MO. 1977 1st Edition 1st Printing, Illus Type: B&W Illustrations Hardcover Size: 4to 11" - 13" tall Brown cloth covers with gilt lettering for title. Illus with 352 drawings and photos 367 pgs. Book: VG/ DJ: NONE $45.00 Medical Textbook Technical
· #6484 Fleischer, Arthur C. & Donald S., M.D. Emerson: COLOR DOPPLER SONOGRAPHY IN OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY Churchill Livingstone, 1993 1st Edition 1st Printing, Illus Type: Color Illustrations Hardcover Size: Small 4to 9" - 11" tall Prior Owners name stamp on inside cover. 333 pgs. Book: VG/ DJ: NONE $19.50 Medical Sonography
· #6485 Soderstrom, Richard M., M.D.: OPERATIVE LAPAROSCOPY The Masters' Techniques. Principles and Techniques in Gynecologic Surgery Raven Press, Medical Publishers, 1993 1st Edition 1st Printing, Hardcover Size: Small 4to 9" - 11" tall Large gift sticker inside. 245 pgs. Book: VG/ DJ: NONE $19.50 Medical Surgery
· #6327 Celsus: DE MEDICINA The Classics of Medicine Library, Alabama. 1989 1st Edition Thus 1st Printing, Hardcover Size: 16mo 6" - 7" tall #9483 of limited edition printed privately. Green leather - great condition with all gilt edging and gilt lettering. 649 pgs. Book: NF/ DJ: NONE $95.75 Medical Leather
· #6328 Lower, Richard: A TREATISE ON THE HEART The Classics of Medicine Library, Alabama. 1989 1st Edition Thus 1st Printing, Hardcover Size: 8vo 8" - 9" tall #9483 of limited edition printed privately. Gray leather - great condition with all gilt edging and gilt lettering. Notes from the editor included. Unpaginated pgs. Book: NF/ DJ: NONE $72.75 Medical Leather
· #6329 Parkinson, James: AN ESSAY ON THE SHAKING PALSY The Classics of Medicine Library, Alabama. 1986 1st Edition Thus 1st Printing, Hardcover Size: 8vo 8" - 9" tall #9483 of limited edition printed privately. Brown or Dark Maroon Leather - great condition with all gilt edging and gilt lettering. Notes from the editor included. The classic on Parkinson's Disease. 66 pgs. Book: NF/ DJ: NONE $49.50 Medical Leather
· #6330 Peacock, Thomas Bevill: ON MALFORMATIONS, & C OF THE HUMAN HEART The Classics of Medicine Library, Alabama. 1981 1st Edition Thus 1st Printing, Hardcover Size: Small 4to 9" - 11" #9483 of limited edition printed privately. RedLeather - great condition with all gilt edging and gilt lettering. Notes from the editor included. 143 pgs. Book: NF/ DJ: NONE $75.00 Medical Leather
· #6331 Fulton, John F. : HARVEY CUSHING A Biography. Charles C. Thomas, Alabama. 1946 1st Edition 1st Printing, Illus Type: B&W Photographs Hardcover Size: 16mo 6" - 7" tall Green Leather - great condition with all gilt edging and gilt lettering. 754 pgs. Book: NF/ DJ: NONE $69.75 Medical Leather Biography
· #6332 Mackenzie, Sir James: DISEASES OF THE HEART The Classics of Medicine Library, Alabama. 1988 1st Edition Thus 1st Printing, Hardcover Size: Small 4to 9" - 11" #9483 of limited edition printed privately. Green Leather - great condition with all gilt edging and gilt lettering. Notes from the editor included. 386 pgs. Book: NF/ DJ: NONE $69.75 Medical Leather
· #6401 Berger, Kenneth: THE HEARING AID Its Operation and Development. National Hearing Aid Society, Detroit MI. 1970 1st Edition 1st Printing, Hardcover Size: 8vo 8" - 9" tall Very interesting book for those interested in technology and medical related items. Cacuum Tubes: The Electronic Hearing Aid, The Earmold - Receiver System, Hearing Aid Battery Numbers and Sizes, etc. Prior owner's stamp on front flyleaf 212 pgs. Book: VG/ DJ: VG $19.50 Technical Medical
· #6342 Gottlieb, Daniel: LETTERS TO SAM A Grandfather's Lessons on Love, Loss, and the Gifts of Life. Sterling Press, New York. 2006 1st Edition 1st Printing, Hardcover Size: 8vo 8" - 9" tall A grandfather (handicapped from auto accident) writes personal letters to his grandson (who has a severe form of autism). 176 pgs. Book: NF/ DJ: NF $12.00 Medical Autism
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