The initial reason for the trip to MI was to attend the long awaited wedding of the daughter of a long time friend in Ann Arbor, MI. I won't use names here for privacy but I'll post a couple of photos for those of you who wanted to see a glimpse of the festivities. I don't yet understand what the "Coptic" part is but was told that it was the language used in early Egypt (where the groom was born). I plan to google for some details. The wedding was delayed for over an hour because one of the priests was caught in a traffic jam coming into U.S. from Canada at Windsor (maybe the new requirement for using passports caused the delay - or maybe an accident, we didn't find out). The priest had been to a funeral in Canada and was quite rushed when he arrived!
Other than that delay the wedding and reception went off without any glitch. The food was delicious and served quickly, the band was great and the bride and groom were glowing!
If you can't have something go wrong on your wedding day, what stories will you have to tell the grandchildren? I'm glad I was invited.
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