In one town (not in TX) a bookstore I went into was so small and so crowded that I literally could barely move sideways down the aisle (walk would indicate forward momentum). There were 2 L shape areas nestled so close together that I though the clerk was kidding when he said any FL history would be inside the area! And I'm not THAT big a person (petite people would have had a problem). Anyways, there were books everywhere in this tiny shop. When the guy said he had been there since 1986 - and I almost asked if he had sold anything yet!
It is just truly a fun experience to see how so many shops are arranged, what kind of stock they have and get the feel of the place. And I don't understand shops where the new "customer" isn't acknowledged or welcomed when s/he enters the store. A simple "hi" or "welcome" would be nice and many dealers don't offer it - I wonder why.
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