Monday, April 25, 2011
Selling on eBay

Sunday, April 17, 2011
Donating Books
A recent newspaper had an article about finding homes for
our old "friends": books. Some of the places on the list
pick up books, some you have to ship to but it is a nice
list to save for future reference. The point is to keep the books out of the landfill. Don't forget about your local used/rare bookstore. They
will sometimes take donations of books that they can't purchase.
Remember, used bookstores don't receive tax money like libraries do,
so if you have a local used bookstore - that PAYS taxes, I suggest
going there first with your donations. http://www.vva.org http://www.bbbsfoundation.org http://www.readingtree.org http://www.booksthroughbars.org http://www.booksforamerica.org (you have to ship to them) http://www.booksforsoldiers.com http://www.textrecycling.com (sell) http://www.salvationarmyusa.org http://www.goodwill.org http://www.bookcrossing.com - one book at a time solution. http://www.operationpaperback.org (p.b. for soldiers) Hope this helps someone with their spring cleaning. Madlyn
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
6366 #Ruschi, Auguston Ruschi, Auguston: BEIJA-FLORES DO ESTADO DO ESPIRITO SANTO Hummingbirds of State of Espirito Santo Editora Rios Brazil 1982. Hardcover Folio 13" - 23" tall Pages263 1st Edition Thus 1st Printing Illus. by:Etienne Demonte Color Plates A beautiful scientific book on hummingbirds. In addition to the 29 color plates, the professor provides the Latin names, identifies the body parts, and describes the characteristics of the birds. Everything you've always wanted to know and see in up close color! Whether you are a collector of all things Hummingbird or a student of this amazing creature or love the illustrator, you will want this book. Etienne Demonte is a Brazilian naturalist-painter who lives (at that time) in Rio de Janeiro. Animals & Birds. Defects include a small piece seemingly cut from top of DJ and a couple of other minor flaws. The book has a small cut our of front fly leaf at top and prior owners stamp on bottom of title page. The color plates and all other pages are in perfect condition. VG+/ G+ $195.00
To confirm availability or place order, please email me @ madlyn.blom@gmail.com Shipping will be by U.S.P.S. unless you request another carrier. Postage based on speed and location. Packaging will be well done so you will receive it as it is when pictures were taken.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
U.S. Education Comparisons and Challenges
I've written to my state legislators to find out how the high achieving other countries handle some of these challenges found in the U.S. classrooms. There are probably other challenges I haven't addressed but since the U.S. is #14 (or lower) according to the recent news reports, I'd like to know how the top countries are handling these challenges so that we can learn and implement them. At this time, I don't see why the teachers are being held totally responsible for the lower test scores - maybe the feedback I get will convince me that the teachers are at fault for the lower test scores - but right now I think that unless we have perfectly achieving parents, with perfect legislators enacting the perfect budgets and curriculum with the perfect ready to learn students, we just aren't going to have the perfect classrooms - even if we have perfect teachers.
Florida has just enacted legislation that the teachers' pay (increases?) be based 50% on the test results of the students. I suggest that the administrator's bonuses and pay increases for the legislators also be tied to students' performance as they play a roll in what is taught in what kind of setting for how many hours and days per session. Here is the letter I wrote:
Florida has just enacted legislation that the teachers' pay (increases?) be based 50% on the test results of the students. I suggest that the administrator's bonuses and pay increases for the legislators also be tied to students' performance as they play a roll in what is taught in what kind of setting for how many hours and days per session. Here is the letter I wrote:
Public Education Comparisons: The news reports U.S. is #14 or so in education in comparison to other countries. Please tell me the top five countries and what tests are used to compare. I doubt that the comparisons take in all of the diversity the U.S. has to cope with in the classrooms.
How are these factored in:
1. Multiple non-English languages as native language. It is hard to teach people in English who speak other native languages, yet the students from other countries are allowed into our classrooms. Some FL school districts have 14 different native languages coming into the classrooms – teachers don’t have control over that yet are challenged to get those students prepared for the same tests as native English speaking students. Which other countries scoring higher than the U.S. have this challenge?
2. Class content is mandated by legislators, not teachers. Time spent teaching sex ed, drug ed, manners , etc - how is this factored in? How is this in other countries? Or do those schools focus only on “testable” content?
3. Handicapped students are mainstreamed into many classes. Do other countries higher in standings than U.S. have severely mentally impaired students in their classes? Even if the tests are not factored in, severely mental and physical handicapped students take more time and focus from the teacher and other students (providing physical assistance and mentoring).
4. Days/hours/holidays are mandated by various gov and administrations - not teachers - how does our school calendar compare? Many districts provide “planning” time to teachers during the school day. This takes away from instruction time whether all teachers want it or not.
5. Expelling/disciplining disruptive students - U.S. teachers don't have control of who is in their classes. How is this handled in those countries scoring better than U.S.? If other countries’ teachers or administrators are allowed to expel students, the ones left, wanting to learn will probably score higher than those kept in classes and schools where they don’t want to be (based on their behavior).
Parents who are drug abusers, unemployed, homeless, victims of domestic violence and/or had trouble in schools themselves will have a hard time sending off a well rested, well fed, ready to learn students who will come home to a quiet place to do homework, eat a well balanced meal and get a good night’s sleep after some school or family enrichment activity.
I'm not a teacher. I've never been a teacher. I don't have a student in school currently but have grandchildren in various schools. There are no perfect classrooms but there never will be unless we have perfect legislators setting the class content along with perfect teachers implementing it, perfect students ready and willing to learn and perfect parents ready and able to reinforce the classroom at home, getting the student prepared to learn.
I'd like to know that we are comparing apples to apples. Please tell me how other countries handle these challenges to come out ahead of U.S. in student tests.
Thank you,
Madlyn Blom
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Old Bag Lady Books Has Moved
Hi All -
Our books have made it 100 miles north to Sun City Center, FL. We're happy that the move is over and you can start ordering again: OldBagLady@verizon.net
Our books have made it 100 miles north to Sun City Center, FL. We're happy that the move is over and you can start ordering again: OldBagLady@verizon.net
Friday, January 28, 2011
FYI: Credit Card Reader

Monday, January 24, 2011
For Sale: Fountain Pen Collecting Reference
Collecting fountain pens is a very popular hobby. This reference is one all collectors should have on their shelves. Contact OldBagLady@embarqmail.com to confirm availability and discuss shipping options, cost.
The picture as it shows isn't representing exactly how good the d.j. is - it actually is in fine condition.
7255 #Lambrou, Andreas: FOUNTAIN PENS Vintage and Modern Sotheby's 1990. Hardcover 8vo 8" - 9" tall Pages244 1st Edition 2nd Printing Color Photographs Text is clean, binding tight. Illustrated.2nd impression. No prior owner's name or other handwriting. Looks unused. Indexed. A great reference with many photos - every fountain pen collector should have this in his/her reference library. VG+/ VG+ $27.00
The picture as it shows isn't representing exactly how good the d.j. is - it actually is in fine condition.
7255 #Lambrou, Andreas: FOUNTAIN PENS Vintage and Modern Sotheby's 1990. Hardcover 8vo 8" - 9" tall Pages244 1st Edition 2nd Printing Color Photographs Text is clean, binding tight. Illustrated.2nd impression. No prior owner's name or other handwriting. Looks unused. Indexed. A great reference with many photos - every fountain pen collector should have this in his/her reference library. VG+/ VG+ $27.00
Sunday, January 23, 2011
For Sale: EASTON Press Leather Books
Easton Press has a rich history of publishing terrific looking good reading books! You library, living room or office will look much better with these on the shelves than with an e-book reading laying around with the cord hanging down. All but one are from the same series of The Hundred Greatest Books Ever Written, Buy them individually or as the group (lot) for a reduced price. 10@$50.00 each is $500.00 but if you purchase them as a lot for shipment to one address, I'll pay postage and ship in U.S. media mail for $415.00. If you want the books shipped priority, we'll have to work out the postage. Payments accepted: PayPal and check. I will want for the check to clear on this order. Will ship internationally. Contact OldBagLady@embarqmail.com to confirm availability.
#7244 Dostoevsky, Fyodor; Constance Garnett (translator) . CRIME AND PUNISHMENT Connecticut: Easton Press, 1980. 1st Edition / 1st Printing. Illus. by: Fritz Eichenberg: Illus Type: Wood engravings Size: Small 4to 9" - 11" tall. Pages: 484, Description: Fine Gold gilt decorative black leather covers, includes silk ribbon. Raised spine bands, moire silk endpapers and all edges gilt. . Gorgeous.. The Hundred Greatest Books Ever Written Collection. Includes fourteen color plates by the renowned illustrator as well as illustrated endpapers and title page. Book: NF/ DJ: NONE $50.00 Literature
#7245 Dumas, Alexandre. THE THREE MUSKETEERS Connecticut: Easton Press, 1978. 1st Edition / 1st Printing. Illus. by: Edy Legrand: Size: Small 4to 9" - 11" tall. Pages: 420, Description: Fine Gold gilt decorative brown leather covers, includes silk ribbon. Raised spine bands, moire silk endpapers and all edges gilt. . Gorgeous.. The Hundred Greatest Books Ever Written Collection. Book: NF/ DJ: NONE $50.00Literature
#7238 Fitts, Dudley; The Aristophanes. THE BIRDS, THE FROGS Connecticut: Easton Press, 1979. 1st Edition / 1st Printing. Illus. by: Marian Parry: Size: 4to 11" - 13" tall. Description: Fine Gold gilt decorative very dark green leather covers, includes silk ribbon. Raised spine bands, moire silk endpapers and all edges gilt. . Gorgeous.. The Hundred Greatest Books Ever Written Collection. Book: NF/ DJ: NONE$50.00 Literature
#7236 Homer. THE ILIAD OF HOMER English Translation by Alexander Pope. Connecticut: Easton Press, 1979. 1st Edition / 1st Printing. Size: 4to 11" - 13" tall. Pages: 476, Description: Fine Gold gilt decorative Red leather covers, includes silk ribbon. Raised spine bands, moire silk endpapers and all edges gilt. Gorgeous.. The Hundred Greatest Books Ever Written Collection. Book: NF/ DJ: NONE $50.00Literature
#7240 Melville, Herman. MOBY DICK, OR THE WHALE Connecticut: Easton Press, 1977. 1st Edition / 1st Printing. Illus. by: Boardman Robinson: Size: Small 4to 9" - 11" tall. Pages: 614, Description: Fine Gold gilt decorative very black leather covers, includes silk ribbon. Raised spine bands, moire silk endpapers and all edges gilt. . Gorgeous.. The Hundred Greatest Books Ever Written Collection. Book: NF/ DJ: NONE $50.00 Literature
#6805 ISBN0316516007 Staff, Life Magazine. ONE NATION America Remembers. Connecticut: Easton Press, 2001. 1st Edition / 1st Printing. Illus Type: Color Photographs Size: Small 4to 9" - 11" . Pages: 192, Description: Gift Quality (No underling, writing, prior owners name or other defects). Easton Press gift card loose inside - you can personalize your gift or keep it in your special collection. Gold Gilt edges and lettering on cover, silk endpapers. Book: NF/ DJ: NONE $22.00 Americana
#7237 Steinbeck, John. OF MICE AND MEN Connecticut: Easton Press, 1977. 1st Edition / 1st Printing. Illus. by: Fletcher Martin: Size: 4to 11" - 13" tall. Pages: 165, Description: Fine Gold gilt decorative brown leather covers, includes silk ribbon. Raised spine bands, moire silk endpapers and all edges gilt. Gorgeous.. The Hundred Greatest Books Ever Written Collection. Book: NF/ DJ: NONE $50.00 Literature
#7242 Stevenson, Robert Louis. TREASURE ISLAND Connecticut: Easton Press, 1994. 1st Edition / 1st Printing. Illus. by: Edward A. Wilson: Size: Small 4to 9" - 11" tall. Pages: 272, Description: Fine Gold gilt decorative blue leather covers, includes silk ribbon. Raised spine bands, moire silk endpapers and all edges gilt. . Gorgeous.. The Hundred Greatest Books Ever Written Collection. Includes fourteen color plates by the renowned illustrator as well as illustrated endpapers and title page. Book: NF/ DJ: NONE $50.00 Literature
#7241 Stowe, Harriet Beecher. UNCLE TOM'S CABIN; OR LIFE AMONG THE LOWLY Connecticut: Easton Press, 1979. 1st Edition / 1st Printing. Illus. by: Miguel Covarrubias: Illus Type: Lithographs Size: Small 4to 9" - 11" tall. Pages: 294, Description: Fine Gold gilt decorative very dark blue leather covers, includes silk ribbon. Raised spine bands, moire silk endpapers and all edges gilt. . Gorgeous.. The Hundred Greatest Books Ever Written Collection. Book: NF/ DJ: NONE $50.00 Literature
#7246 Twain, Mark. ADVENTURES OF HUCKLEBERRY FINN Tom Sawyer's Companion. Connecticut: Easton Press, 1994. 1st Edition / 1st Printing. Illus. by: Thomas Hart Benton: Size: Small 4to 9" - 11" tall. Pages: 396, Description: Fine Gold gilt decorative brown leather covers, includes silk ribbon. Raised spine bands, moire silk endpapers and all edges gilt. . Gorgeous.. The Hundred Greatest Books Ever Written Collection. Book: NF/ DJ: NONE $50.00 Literature
#7239 Verne, Jules; Mercier Lewis (translator) ; Fletcher Pratt (Introduction). TWENTY THOUSAND LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA Connecticut: Easton Press, 1977. 1st Edition / 1st Printing. Illus. by: Edward A. Wilson: Size: 4to 11" - 13" tall. Pages: 325, Description: Fine Gold gilt decorative very dark brown leather covers, includes silk ribbon. Raised spine bands, moire silk endpapers and all edges gilt. . Gorgeous.. The Hundred Greatest Books Ever Written Collection. Book: NF/ DJ: NONE $50.00 Literature
#7244 Dostoevsky, Fyodor; Constance Garnett (translator) . CRIME AND PUNISHMENT Connecticut: Easton Press, 1980. 1st Edition / 1st Printing. Illus. by: Fritz Eichenberg: Illus Type: Wood engravings Size: Small 4to 9" - 11" tall. Pages: 484, Description: Fine Gold gilt decorative black leather covers, includes silk ribbon. Raised spine bands, moire silk endpapers and all edges gilt. . Gorgeous.. The Hundred Greatest Books Ever Written Collection. Includes fourteen color plates by the renowned illustrator as well as illustrated endpapers and title page. Book: NF/ DJ: NONE $50.00 Literature
#7245 Dumas, Alexandre. THE THREE MUSKETEERS Connecticut: Easton Press, 1978. 1st Edition / 1st Printing. Illus. by: Edy Legrand: Size: Small 4to 9" - 11" tall. Pages: 420, Description: Fine Gold gilt decorative brown leather covers, includes silk ribbon. Raised spine bands, moire silk endpapers and all edges gilt. . Gorgeous.. The Hundred Greatest Books Ever Written Collection. Book: NF/ DJ: NONE $50.00Literature
#7238 Fitts, Dudley; The Aristophanes. THE BIRDS, THE FROGS Connecticut: Easton Press, 1979. 1st Edition / 1st Printing. Illus. by: Marian Parry: Size: 4to 11" - 13" tall. Description: Fine Gold gilt decorative very dark green leather covers, includes silk ribbon. Raised spine bands, moire silk endpapers and all edges gilt. . Gorgeous.. The Hundred Greatest Books Ever Written Collection. Book: NF/ DJ: NONE$50.00 Literature
#7236 Homer. THE ILIAD OF HOMER English Translation by Alexander Pope. Connecticut: Easton Press, 1979. 1st Edition / 1st Printing. Size: 4to 11" - 13" tall. Pages: 476, Description: Fine Gold gilt decorative Red leather covers, includes silk ribbon. Raised spine bands, moire silk endpapers and all edges gilt. Gorgeous.. The Hundred Greatest Books Ever Written Collection. Book: NF/ DJ: NONE $50.00Literature
#7240 Melville, Herman. MOBY DICK, OR THE WHALE Connecticut: Easton Press, 1977. 1st Edition / 1st Printing. Illus. by: Boardman Robinson: Size: Small 4to 9" - 11" tall. Pages: 614, Description: Fine Gold gilt decorative very black leather covers, includes silk ribbon. Raised spine bands, moire silk endpapers and all edges gilt. . Gorgeous.. The Hundred Greatest Books Ever Written Collection. Book: NF/ DJ: NONE $50.00 Literature
#6805 ISBN0316516007 Staff, Life Magazine. ONE NATION America Remembers. Connecticut: Easton Press, 2001. 1st Edition / 1st Printing. Illus Type: Color Photographs Size: Small 4to 9" - 11" . Pages: 192, Description: Gift Quality (No underling, writing, prior owners name or other defects). Easton Press gift card loose inside - you can personalize your gift or keep it in your special collection. Gold Gilt edges and lettering on cover, silk endpapers. Book: NF/ DJ: NONE $22.00 Americana
#7237 Steinbeck, John. OF MICE AND MEN Connecticut: Easton Press, 1977. 1st Edition / 1st Printing. Illus. by: Fletcher Martin: Size: 4to 11" - 13" tall. Pages: 165, Description: Fine Gold gilt decorative brown leather covers, includes silk ribbon. Raised spine bands, moire silk endpapers and all edges gilt. Gorgeous.. The Hundred Greatest Books Ever Written Collection. Book: NF/ DJ: NONE $50.00 Literature
#7242 Stevenson, Robert Louis. TREASURE ISLAND Connecticut: Easton Press, 1994. 1st Edition / 1st Printing. Illus. by: Edward A. Wilson: Size: Small 4to 9" - 11" tall. Pages: 272, Description: Fine Gold gilt decorative blue leather covers, includes silk ribbon. Raised spine bands, moire silk endpapers and all edges gilt. . Gorgeous.. The Hundred Greatest Books Ever Written Collection. Includes fourteen color plates by the renowned illustrator as well as illustrated endpapers and title page. Book: NF/ DJ: NONE $50.00 Literature
#7241 Stowe, Harriet Beecher. UNCLE TOM'S CABIN; OR LIFE AMONG THE LOWLY Connecticut: Easton Press, 1979. 1st Edition / 1st Printing. Illus. by: Miguel Covarrubias: Illus Type: Lithographs Size: Small 4to 9" - 11" tall. Pages: 294, Description: Fine Gold gilt decorative very dark blue leather covers, includes silk ribbon. Raised spine bands, moire silk endpapers and all edges gilt. . Gorgeous.. The Hundred Greatest Books Ever Written Collection. Book: NF/ DJ: NONE $50.00 Literature
#7246 Twain, Mark. ADVENTURES OF HUCKLEBERRY FINN Tom Sawyer's Companion. Connecticut: Easton Press, 1994. 1st Edition / 1st Printing. Illus. by: Thomas Hart Benton: Size: Small 4to 9" - 11" tall. Pages: 396, Description: Fine Gold gilt decorative brown leather covers, includes silk ribbon. Raised spine bands, moire silk endpapers and all edges gilt. . Gorgeous.. The Hundred Greatest Books Ever Written Collection. Book: NF/ DJ: NONE $50.00 Literature
#7239 Verne, Jules; Mercier Lewis (translator) ; Fletcher Pratt (Introduction). TWENTY THOUSAND LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA Connecticut: Easton Press, 1977. 1st Edition / 1st Printing. Illus. by: Edward A. Wilson: Size: 4to 11" - 13" tall. Pages: 325, Description: Fine Gold gilt decorative very dark brown leather covers, includes silk ribbon. Raised spine bands, moire silk endpapers and all edges gilt. . Gorgeous.. The Hundred Greatest Books Ever Written Collection. Book: NF/ DJ: NONE $50.00 Literature
Saturday, January 22, 2011
New Arrivals - Advertising Ephemera
And weigh 135 lbs. Book: VG/ DJ: NONE $9.50 Juvenile
SOLD. Sorry you missed it.
#7248 THE SCHOOL LUNCH General Foods Corp. , 1928. 2nd Edition / 4th Printing. Illus. by: Carolyn Haywood: Size: Small 8vo 7½" - 8" tall. Pages: 32, Description: Pictorial wraps w/silk cord. A good recipe for potato chowder! Adorable illustration of young child sitting on top of the world on front cover. Discussions about how to run a school lunch program (and a few recipes). Book: VG/ DJ: NONE $9.50 Juvenile
#7250 Wolverton, Ethel T. . MOTHER GOOSE Wheat Flour Institute, . 1st Edition / 1st Printing. Size: 8vo 8" - 9" tall. Pages: Unpaginated, Description: C. 1900, 12 pages, Each page illustrated in orange and black. "To The Children of America: This little book of Mother Goose Rhymes has been written and published especially for you. It contains lessons which you should read and try to remember. Follow its advice and you will grow to share the great joys of our glorious country." Book: NF/ DJ: NONE $19.00 Juvenile
7249 Pease, Josephine Van Dolzen Pease, Josephine Van Dolzen: MORE MILK - LITTLE VERSES Philadelphia Inter-State Dairy Council 1935. Hardcover 12mo 7" - 7½" tall PagesUnpaginated 1st Edition 1st Printing VG/ NONE $9.50
I will ship internationally - postage to all areas has to be arranges. Payment at both PayPal and checks drawn on American banks. Please email me to confirm availability: OldBagLady@embarqmail.com Thanks for looking.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Marting Luther King Day Reading
I have nothing to offer for sale today but I do have 3 suggestions of something for you to purchase and read in remembrance of MLK:
1. Broyard, Bliss: ONE DROP, My Father's Hidden LIfe - a Story of Race and Family Secrets. Little Brown & Co, 2007. Anatole Broyard was the daily book critic for the NY Times for 10 years and columnist and editor at the NY Times Book Review for several years. His son and daughter grew up white in Connecticut but at his death were told that he was of mixed race.
Written by his daughter, Bliss, the book is detailed, indexed and has lots of source notes. She spent years researching and writing her racial heritage that began in New Orleans Creole community, she reports on the culture in New Orleans before, during and after the Civil War and continues into New York during the depression. I'm just finishing the book and am amazed at the author's writing and research abilities. She manages to blend the historical facts with the social settings and turn her history into a very interesting book.
I think the book does a lot to explain the history of race and racial relations in the U.S., especially in New Orleans where racial blending was socially acceptable years prior to the Civil War. The question to be answered: is Bliss, raised white in CT, still white after finding out that she has Black relatives? Or did ONE DROP of black blood, make her black also? What defines race?
2. Lewis, Earl and Heidi Ardizzone: LOVE ON TRIAL; Norton, 2001. I've mentioned this one before - A racially mixed woman marries the son of a extremely wealthy man of New York society. When Dad finds out about the marriage, he "forces" (weak) son to sue for an annulment so that he doesn't have to pay her alimony. The marriage took place in the 20s between Alice Jones and Leonard Kip Rhinelander - the author takes the unusual approach of relating the trial through newspaper reports throughout the country so we get to see the trial through not only the family involved but reporters.
Racial intermarriage was not illegal in New York in the 20s but was in other parts of the country. Again, a very interesting story (how often today does a woman have to disrobe in front of the jury to prove her case?). How often does a father try to prove his son is simple to win his case?
And the ending was quite surprising.
1. Broyard, Bliss: ONE DROP, My Father's Hidden LIfe - a Story of Race and Family Secrets. Little Brown & Co, 2007. Anatole Broyard was the daily book critic for the NY Times for 10 years and columnist and editor at the NY Times Book Review for several years. His son and daughter grew up white in Connecticut but at his death were told that he was of mixed race.
Written by his daughter, Bliss, the book is detailed, indexed and has lots of source notes. She spent years researching and writing her racial heritage that began in New Orleans Creole community, she reports on the culture in New Orleans before, during and after the Civil War and continues into New York during the depression. I'm just finishing the book and am amazed at the author's writing and research abilities. She manages to blend the historical facts with the social settings and turn her history into a very interesting book.
I think the book does a lot to explain the history of race and racial relations in the U.S., especially in New Orleans where racial blending was socially acceptable years prior to the Civil War. The question to be answered: is Bliss, raised white in CT, still white after finding out that she has Black relatives? Or did ONE DROP of black blood, make her black also? What defines race?
2. Lewis, Earl and Heidi Ardizzone: LOVE ON TRIAL; Norton, 2001. I've mentioned this one before - A racially mixed woman marries the son of a extremely wealthy man of New York society. When Dad finds out about the marriage, he "forces" (weak) son to sue for an annulment so that he doesn't have to pay her alimony. The marriage took place in the 20s between Alice Jones and Leonard Kip Rhinelander - the author takes the unusual approach of relating the trial through newspaper reports throughout the country so we get to see the trial through not only the family involved but reporters.
Racial intermarriage was not illegal in New York in the 20s but was in other parts of the country. Again, a very interesting story (how often today does a woman have to disrobe in front of the jury to prove her case?). How often does a father try to prove his son is simple to win his case?
And the ending was quite surprising.
3. Tim Wise, White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son Soft Skull Press. A white man describes the benefits of being white. I haven't finished it yet.
There are copies of these available on the internet. Enjoy your reading. Madlyn
There are copies of these available on the internet. Enjoy your reading. Madlyn
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
For Sale: Blenko Amber Book Ends
Pre-owned in Mint Condition
Approximate Measurement:
5" high x 5" wide
3.5 Lbs Each
Blenko Amber Crackle Glass Pair of Bookends
Approximate Measurement:
5" high x 5" wide
3.5 Lbs Each
No chips, cracks or repairs
$75.00 plus shipping. PayPal and checks accepted.
Please email me @ madlyn.blom@gmail.com to confirm avialability
$75.00 plus shipping. PayPal and checks accepted.
Please email me @ madlyn.blom@gmail.com to confirm avialability
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Match Book Library
SOLD, Sorry you missed it!
This nice library is for sale for only $20.00! 32 "books" with titles and authors on spine. As new condition - the matches inside are unused. There is text on the inside cover but small enough print that I can't read it - can't verify that it is a part of the actual story's text. The size is approximately 5 inches by 6 inches. This would make a very interesting decorative piece for a book store or antique mall booth. You can pay by PayPal or checks drawn on U.S. banks. Postage has to be extra or if you are in the S.W. FL area you can pick them up. Please contact me to verify availability: Madlyn.Blom@gmail.com

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